whew.. sorry for the period of absence.. =0
well.. as usual.. great to be home.. with a whole week of hols 10 days to be exact, i am ready to let it all out haha.. jus b4 my exam starts the end of october!
so far nothing significant has been happening.. but i would like to note bout yesterday's youth service.. Really awesome and powerful youth service.. Moved my heart to see young people really dedicating themselves to DESTROYING their monsters...(yes.. oppressing is not enuff) It will be my prayer that this will be a permanent change and not just a spur of the moment.. =)
well.. off to basketball with the youth! till then!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
that concludes my 1 day puasa.. haha.. really.. i was so tempted to grab a biscuit or 2.. with my water bottle literally staring in my face.. very hard to resist.. yeah.. but still managed to do a full puasa! haha.. =)..
well... to sum it all up this week.. sleepy, busy, long, haha.... but i am coming back for a week! yes.. raya break.. and after that the rest of the semester will be pretty much back to the same old life.. no more hiding to eat... (yes.).. we do not fear but we must at least respect ma.. haha.. bus is at 1230pm tomorrow.. hopefully back by 4.. yep!
See u guys soon!
well... to sum it all up this week.. sleepy, busy, long, haha.... but i am coming back for a week! yes.. raya break.. and after that the rest of the semester will be pretty much back to the same old life.. no more hiding to eat... (yes.).. we do not fear but we must at least respect ma.. haha.. bus is at 1230pm tomorrow.. hopefully back by 4.. yep!
See u guys soon!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
puasa experience
hehe.. decided to try to puasa for one day.. just to experience how it is to fast for almost the whole day.... woke up at 520am.. just to eat something and drink some water and 530am.. it all began.. that explains why i am blogging at this hour.. haha.. too awake to go back to sleep.. so yeah.. talk bout the whole experience more when this ends at around 715pm.. see ya! =)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
a sea of expressions..
inhumane shouts of despair, sorrow, joy and all the mixed emotions filled the night air.. i couldn't take it anymore.. but still i stayed.. unbearable.. it was the worst i've ever seen. Cannot be described by words.. sent me into a total state of shock that i was in the midst of such chaos.. When i saw the people around me.. sudden changes in emotions and expressions totally left me speechless.. literally expressed to the max. A rare sight. Actions potrayed would have made them top class actors but sigh. Such talent gone to waste..
"what u get from sitting in the midst of 100 people at the cafe in college watching a Chelsea vs MU match"
p.s the match ended 1-1 btw =)..
"what u get from sitting in the midst of 100 people at the cafe in college watching a Chelsea vs MU match"
p.s the match ended 1-1 btw =)..
haih.. what a day man.. extra classes and to top up with that rehearsal for Pesta Tanglung that is gonna be held a week after raya.. sob.. being second in charge of the p.a system unit, the task is tough.. really.. from 830pm-1230am we were sweating it out in the control room upstairs, trying to put everything into place, from the lighting, to the slide shows, to stage management team, to the whole order of the event.. lol.. found out one thing.. quite fun though.. haha.. the lights are manually operated.... not auto.. wheeeee.. get to play with the lights.. =O.. then had a slight minum teh session with the whole team who worked hard tonight.. =)
now to the title of the blog.. =)
we say so many times that we will stand for God no matter what happens.. but sometimes.. i ask.. are we actually ready for that? by asking does not mean i deter in my faith but i mean.. its like even in front of your friends... i admit that i seldom speak of my faith in front of my friends.. even when good things happen to me.. i do not often give all glory to God.. even if i thank God myself bout His goodness and blessing, what glory does God have if we don testify?
If we can't even speak of God or proclaim His name openly, what hope do we have of giving our lives to Him? i mean put it this way.. if u were persecuted and tortured for believing, one day freedom of worship abolished, will we stand strong till the end of the day? easy to say yes. But when i gave second thoughts bout it, i finally understand y many people chose the easy way and gave up God.. for the sake of comfort and end to the pain on earth.. it is not easy enduring the torture.. imagine the pain u would go through.. and u wish to die but they won't allow it.. if u had to be nailed to a cross one day, would u go through that pain for Jesus? think bout it..
But i can come to a conclusion.. that earthly pain is nothing compared to that of the pain that will last for eternity.. truly it is not worth it to give up God.. because He had gave His son first for us.. and Jesus suffered so much more pain than normal man could ever bear.. lash after lash.. nail after nail, all for our sakes.. Thats the reason why i can say i will stand up to the end when the time has come that all Christians will be persecuted for His sake.. Not because i fear of going to hell when i die.. heaven is just a bonus when we stand on God's side.. Its not because of heaven that i believe in Him.. Its His ultimate sacrifice that has moved me and greatly struck me..
Are we ready to make our stand today? To renew our commitment? If it is, this song will be the exact cry of our hearts..
I'll stand,
With arms high and heart abandoned,
in awe of the one who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to U surrendered
All I am is Yours..
now to the title of the blog.. =)
we say so many times that we will stand for God no matter what happens.. but sometimes.. i ask.. are we actually ready for that? by asking does not mean i deter in my faith but i mean.. its like even in front of your friends... i admit that i seldom speak of my faith in front of my friends.. even when good things happen to me.. i do not often give all glory to God.. even if i thank God myself bout His goodness and blessing, what glory does God have if we don testify?
If we can't even speak of God or proclaim His name openly, what hope do we have of giving our lives to Him? i mean put it this way.. if u were persecuted and tortured for believing, one day freedom of worship abolished, will we stand strong till the end of the day? easy to say yes. But when i gave second thoughts bout it, i finally understand y many people chose the easy way and gave up God.. for the sake of comfort and end to the pain on earth.. it is not easy enduring the torture.. imagine the pain u would go through.. and u wish to die but they won't allow it.. if u had to be nailed to a cross one day, would u go through that pain for Jesus? think bout it..
But i can come to a conclusion.. that earthly pain is nothing compared to that of the pain that will last for eternity.. truly it is not worth it to give up God.. because He had gave His son first for us.. and Jesus suffered so much more pain than normal man could ever bear.. lash after lash.. nail after nail, all for our sakes.. Thats the reason why i can say i will stand up to the end when the time has come that all Christians will be persecuted for His sake.. Not because i fear of going to hell when i die.. heaven is just a bonus when we stand on God's side.. Its not because of heaven that i believe in Him.. Its His ultimate sacrifice that has moved me and greatly struck me..
Are we ready to make our stand today? To renew our commitment? If it is, this song will be the exact cry of our hearts..
I'll stand,
With arms high and heart abandoned,
in awe of the one who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to U surrendered
All I am is Yours..
Thursday, September 18, 2008
this week was kinda relaxed.. =) with wednesday as a holiday.. I don't like wednesdays.. haha.. the schedule is jus too tight... =(.. but yeah.. saturday classes again this week =(
Went to another cafe to taste the food.. quite good though =D.. had nasi paprik if anyone of u have ever heard of it.. hehe.. and its only 3 bucks.. worth it.. really.. =) And during dinner i caught my shot of the day =)
A light saber? nah.. just a stack of cups.. but.. ridiculously stacked..=.= these guys shud attempt a record or something.. Go make Malaysia proud... =O.. and yeah.. looking at the picture the cups looked like they were gonna fall anytime, but the guy managed to keep it balanced and it didn't fall.. =) if it did, the people u see there won't be spared from getting splashed with sirap ais.
Out of the depths of my heart I will sing,
Magnificient, glorious,
Wonderful King,
Love indescribable,
Steadfast, unfailing,
Reign in my life
For eternity.
Went to another cafe to taste the food.. quite good though =D.. had nasi paprik if anyone of u have ever heard of it.. hehe.. and its only 3 bucks.. worth it.. really.. =) And during dinner i caught my shot of the day =)
Out of the depths of my heart I will sing,
Magnificient, glorious,
Wonderful King,
Love indescribable,
Steadfast, unfailing,
Reign in my life
For eternity.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
45 years..
happy 45th year since the formation of Malaysia!~
yeah.. long way since 16th Sept 1963. yet. today we are living in fear, political crisis and slight chaos. How will today go by? Can we guarantee that today will be a peaceful day or will chaos break out? Lets continue to uphold our nation in prayer today, for peace and God's blessing and His constant hand of protection. =)
yeah.. long way since 16th Sept 1963. yet. today we are living in fear, political crisis and slight chaos. How will today go by? Can we guarantee that today will be a peaceful day or will chaos break out? Lets continue to uphold our nation in prayer today, for peace and God's blessing and His constant hand of protection. =)
Monday, September 15, 2008
long after
Hey Peeps! Sorry for the long absence.. been running up and down.. haha.. for those who din know.. i was back in KL.. =) this update will be short though.. i have to search for tons of videos for the Lantern Festival Celeb we're gonna have in this coll. =/
Yes.. after an incident filled weekend.. Which included the missing of the bus home to KL.. Actually rather the bus missed us.. we were there half an hr before time and the bus had to just shoot by us without stopping.. Kinda left us in a shock.. Called the centre and they slotted us in a bus 2 hours later.. So we were doing aimless stuff around the bus stop.. It was super panas man! a bus stop in the middle of nowhere.. yeah.. imagine those American rocky parts where they have a gas station and nothing else, and replace that with a bus stop.. yeah.. started to do stupid stuff.. the whole lot of us (4 to be exact)
yes. guess what they were doing? went to a nearby phone booth. started to call our phones with it and found out the public phone's number was actually a 03 number. o.O in pahang.. lol.. tried to call back the phone's number but din seem to ring haha.. don know why.. the other people at the bus stop were gazing at us with the "U have never seen a public phone in your whole life?" stare. man.. boredom leads to the impossible =O
finally bus came at 4pm. a long 3 hr wait.. =( got back to KL.. only to plunge into a loooong jam... took 1 hour and 15 mins to get home.. around 830pm. Had dinner and flopped and slept around 930. I was dead tired k..
Next day... went for youth, found out that Lee En and Michael were at the keyboards, playing for worship.. haha.. seriously proud and happy for the both of u.. continue serving and trust me, u guys will grow in skill, spiritually and in the favour of the Lord.. At youth, I had great fun playing the game of "monster hunting" and yeah.. great message by Mabel, inspired by God, it really challenged me to opress the monsters inside me.. Its either God who reigns, or the monsters. A choice which seems easy but sometimes tough as we are challenged a lot of times. But if my God is for me who can be against me? =)
At night, went to One U with Hansel again. "pak tuo" they call it. had dinner..=) and found out the best way to spend time haha.. playing pool! 2 games alone cost us 45 mins. don laugh. we had the ball flying all over the place. Yes over the place. even all the way to the bowling area. We couldn't get the straight shots in but managed to do trick shots. O_O. thats how "pro" we are.. Wanna challenge? =P.. had a nice talk walking around the whole place. yeah. went back around 945pm.. till the next time la. =)
Sunday morning, went to church =) Pastor Peter preached and then rushed off to McDs to get something and then left for coll again at 130pm.. Rush rush rush.. but yeah.. made it back to college on time around 5pm, 2 hours before the limit, and had 2 reports to rush and a few tutorials haih.. Monday blues la.. But yeah.. thank God.. this Wed is a holiday.. and i am gonna be back for a week next friday for Raya..=D.. so won't be so stressed out la.. =) Take care peeps, till next time =)
Yes.. after an incident filled weekend.. Which included the missing of the bus home to KL.. Actually rather the bus missed us.. we were there half an hr before time and the bus had to just shoot by us without stopping.. Kinda left us in a shock.. Called the centre and they slotted us in a bus 2 hours later.. So we were doing aimless stuff around the bus stop.. It was super panas man! a bus stop in the middle of nowhere.. yeah.. imagine those American rocky parts where they have a gas station and nothing else, and replace that with a bus stop.. yeah.. started to do stupid stuff.. the whole lot of us (4 to be exact)
finally bus came at 4pm. a long 3 hr wait.. =( got back to KL.. only to plunge into a loooong jam... took 1 hour and 15 mins to get home.. around 830pm. Had dinner and flopped and slept around 930. I was dead tired k..
Next day... went for youth, found out that Lee En and Michael were at the keyboards, playing for worship.. haha.. seriously proud and happy for the both of u.. continue serving and trust me, u guys will grow in skill, spiritually and in the favour of the Lord.. At youth, I had great fun playing the game of "monster hunting" and yeah.. great message by Mabel, inspired by God, it really challenged me to opress the monsters inside me.. Its either God who reigns, or the monsters. A choice which seems easy but sometimes tough as we are challenged a lot of times. But if my God is for me who can be against me? =)
At night, went to One U with Hansel again. "pak tuo" they call it. had dinner..=) and found out the best way to spend time haha.. playing pool! 2 games alone cost us 45 mins. don laugh. we had the ball flying all over the place. Yes over the place. even all the way to the bowling area. We couldn't get the straight shots in but managed to do trick shots. O_O. thats how "pro" we are.. Wanna challenge? =P.. had a nice talk walking around the whole place. yeah. went back around 945pm.. till the next time la. =)
Sunday morning, went to church =) Pastor Peter preached and then rushed off to McDs to get something and then left for coll again at 130pm.. Rush rush rush.. but yeah.. made it back to college on time around 5pm, 2 hours before the limit, and had 2 reports to rush and a few tutorials haih.. Monday blues la.. But yeah.. thank God.. this Wed is a holiday.. and i am gonna be back for a week next friday for Raya..=D.. so won't be so stressed out la.. =) Take care peeps, till next time =)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
i don't know what to post.. haha.. but just a sneak preview into what i will blog next time.. FOOD! yeah.. i went to the bazaar today and waaahhhhh.. lots of food.. and they do that everyday from 4pm-7pm... its like a pasar malam except that it is in the afternoon and it is like so far.. from my hostel.. 15 min walk there alone.. lazy haha.. =D
coming back this weekend to get some stuff haha.. and to rest myself.. very hectic life especially in the closing stages of Sem 1.. i can't believe it.. it was just like yesterday when i registered.. and now 5 more weeks to go and thus ends Sem 1.. lecturers are rushing to finish of the syllabus cause the things we learn for Sem 1 are for Sem 1 alone.. and Sem 2 we start anew.. burn those Sem 1 books.. muahaha.. rushing lecturers = more work, less sleep.. haihx.
back to work.. and if can, i try to sleep in half an hours time.. =/ see u guys this weekend! =)
coming back this weekend to get some stuff haha.. and to rest myself.. very hectic life especially in the closing stages of Sem 1.. i can't believe it.. it was just like yesterday when i registered.. and now 5 more weeks to go and thus ends Sem 1.. lecturers are rushing to finish of the syllabus cause the things we learn for Sem 1 are for Sem 1 alone.. and Sem 2 we start anew.. burn those Sem 1 books.. muahaha.. rushing lecturers = more work, less sleep.. haihx.
back to work.. and if can, i try to sleep in half an hours time.. =/ see u guys this weekend! =)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
puasa month (1st week)
guess u all might be thinking that i will be complaining that i am starving la.. dying of hunger la. haha.. in fact.. i am getting so much fatter now.. lols... nono.. i am not a ball.. yet.. but yea.. other than trying my best not to eat or drink even from my bottle when they are around, puasa month is a month to really enjoy food u can't get lo.. really.. its a very different experience from that of high school.. =D
i will post up pics of food sooner or later.. but yeah.. there is a lot of variety.. ranging from ikan bakar, murtabak, lemang etc etc.. the college also set up a bazaar run by lecturers and outsiders and i haven't went there to try anything yet.. but i will go soon.. haha.. and the food is well-priced.. though a bit more expensive than normal.. but sadly.. one can only buy these from 4pm onwards.. haha.. though there are still stores opened from lunch onwards.. but the major cafes are closed.. =(.. but it is good to eat something different than rather the same stuff i've been eating for the past like 3 months + haha..
well.. today i had replacement class.... haih.. the aftermath of having so many extra holidays.. but yeah... still ok larh.. but replacement class on saturdays mean i can't go to church on Sundays.. cause to go to church i must be in Kuantan for the night.. by the time class finishes.. which is around 5pm.. its too late to go out.. but glad that i found time still to do my quiet time amongst the bustle and work.. =)
Been reading the book of Acts.. started chapter 1 on wednesday.. i felt moved to read about Paul and his life through the various epistles he wrote... i found it quite interesting during AIM.. so decided to read more.. haha.. hope i learn something from it..
The past few days have been like rain rain rain rain.. so its been cold and wet.. but other than that i have no complaints la.. haha.. life still goes on.. if u call this life.. =P.. but slowly... i thank God for placing me here.. time really goes by just like that.. and *poof* its Saturday.. and minus the one week of Raya hols.. i have 5 weeks left till the end of my first sem.. and thats half of my journey in Kuantan.. 2nd sem is even shorter.. only a mere 5 months.. and its over.. i still remember the time when i was telling my friends and rueing the fact that i was gonna leave..
I learnt from one the quotes that i saw hanging when i was walking on one of the aisles and found it quite mind provoking..
"to plant something that last for days, plant flowers.
to plant something that last for weeks, plant trees.
to keep something that last for eternity, plant ideas."
btw.. eternity here means a long period of time k.. not like infinite period of time.. =) ok larh.. with that i end my post..
i will post up pics of food sooner or later.. but yeah.. there is a lot of variety.. ranging from ikan bakar, murtabak, lemang etc etc.. the college also set up a bazaar run by lecturers and outsiders and i haven't went there to try anything yet.. but i will go soon.. haha.. and the food is well-priced.. though a bit more expensive than normal.. but sadly.. one can only buy these from 4pm onwards.. haha.. though there are still stores opened from lunch onwards.. but the major cafes are closed.. =(.. but it is good to eat something different than rather the same stuff i've been eating for the past like 3 months + haha..
well.. today i had replacement class.... haih.. the aftermath of having so many extra holidays.. but yeah... still ok larh.. but replacement class on saturdays mean i can't go to church on Sundays.. cause to go to church i must be in Kuantan for the night.. by the time class finishes.. which is around 5pm.. its too late to go out.. but glad that i found time still to do my quiet time amongst the bustle and work.. =)
Been reading the book of Acts.. started chapter 1 on wednesday.. i felt moved to read about Paul and his life through the various epistles he wrote... i found it quite interesting during AIM.. so decided to read more.. haha.. hope i learn something from it..
The past few days have been like rain rain rain rain.. so its been cold and wet.. but other than that i have no complaints la.. haha.. life still goes on.. if u call this life.. =P.. but slowly... i thank God for placing me here.. time really goes by just like that.. and *poof* its Saturday.. and minus the one week of Raya hols.. i have 5 weeks left till the end of my first sem.. and thats half of my journey in Kuantan.. 2nd sem is even shorter.. only a mere 5 months.. and its over.. i still remember the time when i was telling my friends and rueing the fact that i was gonna leave..
I learnt from one the quotes that i saw hanging when i was walking on one of the aisles and found it quite mind provoking..
"to plant something that last for days, plant flowers.
to plant something that last for weeks, plant trees.
to keep something that last for eternity, plant ideas."
btw.. eternity here means a long period of time k.. not like infinite period of time.. =) ok larh.. with that i end my post..
Thursday, September 4, 2008
well.. lazy to post anything larh.. especially at this time.. i wanna go catch some sleep adi.. its something i've really been lacking since yesterday.. sat down for a while and thought of the people back home in KL.. and yeah.. keeping all of u in prayer.. goodnight all =D
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
i can't believe it man.. this weekend alone i travelled more than 1000km on the highway..
KL ---- Penang = 360km x 2(to and fro)
KL ---- Kuantan = 250km x2 (to and fro)
total 1220km on the highway lol.. super tiring..
ok.. i was back this weekend.. yeah..but i went to Penang... that explains my absence from church and youth.. I went on Saturday early morning till Monday around lunch time.. had to go visit my sister and bro in law.. working there.. but the food there was glorious.. as usual la.. Penang la.. had quite a nice time there.. caught this shot.. of the sunset.. when i was eating dinner.. again.. taken with my faithful camera phone K550i.. so don't blame the quality of the shot as duh it can't be compared with a chun camera right..
once again.. amazed by how many colours can fill the sky.. the One who paints the sky with those colours watches over us..
On Monday night, went to Cineleisure with Hansel.. who apparently was like "today ah" when i asked him whether he wanted to go for dinner with me.. lol.. perhaps din expect to see me in KL on a Monday night.. haha.. but yeah.. we met up.. went to watch Wall - E.. quite a nice movie haha.. He just had to miss the ending man.. lol.. but nvm la.. its no big deal.. =).. then we had dinner at Madam Lim's in Tesco.. something local la.. always fast food.. hehe.. then went for a spot of bowling.. He literally owned me in the first game.. 7x - 13x ... but got him back in the second.. =) 12x - 8x muahaha.. anyways.. it was just for the fun =D but yeah.it was so much of fun and kinda reminded me of the AIM times.. when we used to do all those stuff.. but haih.. we grow up.. time passes.. and we are all busy busy..
Came back today.. tons of work ahead of me.. work hard for a month then will get to enjoy a week of relaxation again haha.. raya week.. this month is puasa month as well.. haih.. many cafes not gonna open.. its a bit hard also eating in front of my friends (even drinking water).. not literally in front la.. but yeah.. you get what i mean.. especially when they are the majority here..will be praying that God will help me pull through haha.. though it will be a new experience.. =)
till the next time la.. =)
KL ---- Penang = 360km x 2(to and fro)
KL ---- Kuantan = 250km x2 (to and fro)
total 1220km on the highway lol.. super tiring..
ok.. i was back this weekend.. yeah..but i went to Penang... that explains my absence from church and youth.. I went on Saturday early morning till Monday around lunch time.. had to go visit my sister and bro in law.. working there.. but the food there was glorious.. as usual la.. Penang la.. had quite a nice time there.. caught this shot.. of the sunset.. when i was eating dinner.. again.. taken with my faithful camera phone K550i.. so don't blame the quality of the shot as duh it can't be compared with a chun camera right..
On Monday night, went to Cineleisure with Hansel.. who apparently was like "today ah" when i asked him whether he wanted to go for dinner with me.. lol.. perhaps din expect to see me in KL on a Monday night.. haha.. but yeah.. we met up.. went to watch Wall - E.. quite a nice movie haha.. He just had to miss the ending man.. lol.. but nvm la.. its no big deal.. =).. then we had dinner at Madam Lim's in Tesco.. something local la.. always fast food.. hehe.. then went for a spot of bowling.. He literally owned me in the first game.. 7x - 13x ... but got him back in the second.. =) 12x - 8x muahaha.. anyways.. it was just for the fun =D but yeah.it was so much of fun and kinda reminded me of the AIM times.. when we used to do all those stuff.. but haih.. we grow up.. time passes.. and we are all busy busy..
Came back today.. tons of work ahead of me.. work hard for a month then will get to enjoy a week of relaxation again haha.. raya week.. this month is puasa month as well.. haih.. many cafes not gonna open.. its a bit hard also eating in front of my friends (even drinking water).. not literally in front la.. but yeah.. you get what i mean.. especially when they are the majority here..will be praying that God will help me pull through haha.. though it will be a new experience.. =)
till the next time la.. =)
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