Wednesday, December 31, 2008

end of a mixed year

hi peeps.. this post will sum up pretty much everything that i had been through with various people.. its been fun with u guys.. =)

The most significant event that i really will cherish and remember is AIM.. haha.. we had lots of fun then.. from preparing devotions last min, to sleeping in class, to "fellowship".. =p.. it was really one big ride of 3 months from Jan to April.. but it is an experience that i will never forget.. how much we have learnt throughout that course, how we got closer to God, how we got out of our comfort zones evangelising..and how a"muse"ing we got.. i wish i could go through that again if given a chance.. *crosses fingers*..

I remember how it was just like yesterday since I parted ways with u guys in May.. time flies. tomo will be a new year.. and i will be back in April already.. well.. can't wait to see u guys again back in KL and serve together again.. =)..

In pahang, was where i learnt how to handle my own life.. though it may be hard.. and how to be taken out of my own comfort zone and yet bear to live with it.. certainly it was not an easy path.. it was in this place i experienced my first dose of stress.. as in real stress where i could not eat, sleep nor even enjoy myself.. just felt like quitting then.. It was this place where i learnt much of my life's lessons.. of leadership, of efficiency, of being consistent.. they say college is where one grows.. I would put my hands up on that statement as a sign of agreement.. =)

To my friends in matriculation, u guys have been awesome. Through the fun we had together in and out of college, u have never failed to support and be there with me when hard times came.. we stuck together like peanut butter and bread.. =O.. u guys have taught me contentment, have taught me patience and how to be optimistic on what we have and what we are going through right now.. thanks again..

To my parents, u have been a great support this year.. it was not easy handling life in pahang, but u guys certainly made things a lot better.. thanks..

and to all in general who have made my day in one way or another.. or somehow just came into my life and slipped away.. just to let u guys know u all have made a difference someway.. =)

In a few hours, 2009 will commence.. pray that it will be another good year.. better than 2008, which has been really a year that God has blessed and shown Himself real to me.. =).. i pray that it will be the same for all of u out there as well.. God bless.. =D


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