first bout the camp i said i would talk bout in the previous post..
held at Kem D'Puncak Bris, Sik, Kedah, on the 17th to 19th of july..
on the first day, reached bout 12 noon, briefing started at 230pm.. and cont till 530pm.. man.. under the hot sun for 3 hrs.. torture.. =( then we started to set up our tents and were divided into groups..
p.s they took away our phones and expensive stuff (watches etc. only the leaders were allowed to keep watches) nyways.. there was no line haha..
at night, we had ice breaking session.. which consisted of quite a lot of games and dancing.. haha.. yea.. after tat around 10pm, we were entrusted with a group flag,an individual flag, a plate and cup each of which we had the responsibility of "taking care" of the 3 items entrusted to us.. mafan la. have to drag here and there during activities.. in fact, our group flag got "stolen" by the facilitator before and we got punished for it.. lol.. after the entrustment session, we were asked to go to sleep at 12am..
(super kind of them.. as the schedule only said that we were allowed to sleep at 2. started to get suspicious...)
true enough.. at 1am, the hailer went off.. we had to drag ourselves to the meeting area.. and were told that we had to jungle trek in the middle of the night.. all of us had to take a boat over to an isolated island in the middle of the lake and start the trek without a torchlight.. kind of a new experience for some of them.. and a new adventure for me.. cos i had never sat on a boat in the middle of the night.. =O
we had to line up and cling on to each other so that no one falls behind and loses their way.. the gurl who held my hand held on so tight tat my entire palm went numb LOL.. super scared la.. some of them.. even though it was actually really safe.. but as understood, some of us really fear the dark.. it was kinda beautiful trekking at 2am.. cos we could observe a lot of colourful glow in the dark plants.. =) and sense the cool night air + peaceful sound of the crickets.. =)
by the time we went back it was already 430am.. slept for 1 hr before waking up at 6am..
for the 2nd day, was pretty much games bla bla. the highlight of the day was something tat i had done before..
pretty much a cooking session over a fire.. and other than the vegetables, salt and some seasoning powder + 3 matches.. there was the highlight dish..
had to catch one of the live chickens around the camp area (purposely released by the facilitators).. slaughter it (this had to be done by a muslim to make it halal), clean it then finally cook it..
during the slaughter process i had to hold the chicken as no one dared to do it in my team. =( while a muslim faci helped us slit the throat.. (our team had only 2 muslim gurls who din know the proper technique).. shall not go into details.. but we produced nice dishes though =) curry powder chicken deep fried =)
night time we had performances etc.. entertaining and all.. and luckily they let us sleep for 4 hrs that night.. and finally the last day was pretty much bout breaking camp, prize giving and debriefing.. left camp bout 3pm and reached bout 430pm in uni...
p.s 1. they din let us have cold water throughout the camp. hot orange juice, hot tea, hot everything.. teruk la.. especially after hot days and strenous activities..
p.s 2. shower area was a common area.. and the water was green.. =(.. rather take fresh from the pipe..
p.s 3 after they gave us back our phones.. managed to take a few pics of the campsite b4 leaving =)
*its cooling at night..
some other random pics =) during jazz band orientation.. its a game actually..
1. get a partner. advisable same sex
2. form 2 circles one outside and one inside
3. outside spin anticlockwise, inside spin clockwise
4. when gm says hand to hand! find your partner and touch each other hand to hand.
5. as game goes further the contact parts get gross.. as u can see..
leave your answers in my cbox =)
tats all for now..